Since 2001, several global regional and national forums have been organized on several
continents. The first World Social Forum was held in Latin America, in the city of Porto
Alegre, Brazil 2001. Similarly, WSF was held in several locations throughout the world,
including Porto Alegre in 2003, Mumbai in 2004, Porto Alegre in 2005, 2006 a "polycentric"
World Social Forum in Caracas, Venezuela, and Bamako, Mali, and Karachi. WSF was held in
Nairobi in 2007, Belem in 2009, Porto Alegre in 2010, Dakar in 2011, Porto Alegre in 2012,
Tunis in 2013 and 2015, Montreal in 2016, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil in 2018, in Mexico in 2021
and 2022 while the previous one was a virtual event. Some editions were unique, such as the
WSF 2006 being “polycentric” as it was held in Caracas, Venezuela, Bamako, Mali, and
Karachi. The 10th edition of the World Social Forum (2010) was a decentralized affair, with
approximately 35 national, regional, and local forums taking place around the world, "FSM 10
Years: Greater Porto Alegre." Similarly, WSF 2021 was a virtual event. Such global forums
have been hosted for more than two decades, although Asia has not had a dynamic WSF in two