Carfree Cities Alliance
Organization Phone+918511477339
Organization Address
Contact PersonPooja Tanna
Contact Person Emaildowntown@carfreealliance.org
Contact Person Number+918511477339
Type of Organization:Networks
Website: Website
Social Network Description:https://www.facebook.com/carfreealliance, https://www.instagram.com/carfreecities_alliance/
Misson:We are an international network of individuals and organizations who believe that cities could be vastly better if we were to focus on the needs of people and nature rather than on the needs of motorized vehicles. On the global level, we provide information, tools, and inspiration to partners while we promote the carfree concept. On the local level, we work closely with teams and organizations around the world to create changes in their cities, whether through policy, grassroots events, or a combination of approaches. We believe that all cities, including Dhaka, Cape Town, Amsterdam, and São Paolo (all of which have CCA staff or allies), have much to learn from and teach each other about creating truly great cities. Read more about us: https://www.carfreealliance.org/manifesto-full
Scope of Organization:downtown@carfreealliance.org
Range of Organization:Global
- Gender, Sexuality, and Identities and Gender Based Violence
- Land, Agriculture, Food Sovereignty, Agro - Ecology. Energy and Natural Resources
- Peace, Conflict, War, Occupations, Displacements, and Security
- Democracy, Human Rights, Authoritarianism, Law, and Justice
- Climate Justice, Ecology, Just Transitions, Habitat, and Sustainable Development
- Women, Children, Youth, Adolescents, Aging people and Persons with Disabilities

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