Home Based Workers Concern Society Nepal
Ratopul, Kathmandu
Organization Phone9841312757
Organization AddressRatopul, Kathmandu
Contact PersonPrabha Pokhrel
Contact Person Emailhbwcsnepal@gmail.com
Contact Person Number9841312757
Type of Organization:NGO/ HR
Website: Website
Social Network Description:Home Based Worker Concern Society Nepal -facebook
Network Member:Home Net South Asia, Home Net International, ILO- Nepal
Misson:The unseen and unheard plight of HBWs has not been addressed despite of them being a significant part of labour force and an immense contributor to the global economics. Assessment and discussions on injustice on them can shape policies, and create mechanisms to transform their status to be an equal citizen with economic prosperity and better well-being in a fair and just world of decent work. This initiative intends to advocate for recognition and rights of HBWs to ensure their mainstreaming in statistics, policies and social protection system as well as advocate for ratification process of ILO Convention 177. It will also create awareness to the HBWs of their human rights and also the most pertinent challenges they face, be it violence or the effects of Climate Change. Objective: to sensitize the stakeholders familiarizing and advocating HBWs demands, to highlight why recognition of HBW is necessary for just world of work and ratification of C 177 and understand the effect of climate change on HBWs. Outputs : • Increased knowledge of more than 200 relevant stakeholders on HBWs issue and probable addressing action • Revisiting and visualizing the steps towards ratification of ILO C 177 and building awareness on ILO C 190. • Listing out the impacts of Climate Change on HBWs livelihood and well being • Sharing international, regional and national experiences/achievements/challenges
Scope of Organization:Home Based Workers Concern Society Nepal is working across eight districts of Nepal for recognition, rights, promotion, development and welfare of home based workers (HBWs) through advocacy, campaign, training and skill development activities for social transformation of HBWs.
Range of Organization:Reginal
- Economic Inequalities and Economic Justice
- Health, Social Protection, and Equity
UNSEEN AND UNHEARD HOME BASED WORKERS : The Challenges And Victories Of Home Based Workers In South Asia
09:00AM – 11:30 AM (Nepali Time)
UNSEEN AND UNHEARD HOME BASED WORKERS: The Challenges and Victories of Home Based workers in South Asia
09:00AM – 11:30 AM (Nepali Time)