All India Union of Forest Working People
6 Toot Sarai Malviya Nagar, New delhi 110017
Organization Phone8130658467
Organization Address6 Toot Sarai Malviya Nagar, New delhi 110017
Contact Personavijit chatterjee
Contact Person Emailavijitwasi@gmail.com
Contact Person Number8130658467
Type of Organization:Trade Union
Website: Website
Social Network Description:N/A
Network Member:None
Misson:To connect with people's organizations, movements focussing on natural resource based community rights
Scope of Organization:Rights over land and resources of forest dependent communities and building larger alliance of all natural resource based communities
Range of Organization:National
- Land, Agriculture, Food Sovereignty, Agro - Ecology. Energy and Natural Resources
- Education, Art and Culture
- Social Movements, Civic Space and Future of World Social Forum
Thematic Panel on : Land, Agriculture, Food Sovereignty,Agro-Ecology Energy and Natural Resources
09:00AM – 11:30 AM (Nepali Time)