Dalit Jankalyan Yuba Club(DJKYC)
Organization Phone033561299
Organization AddressLahan-10,Siraha
Contact PersonBinod Kumar Bisunke
Contact Person Emailbinodrgt@gmail.com
Contact Person Number9842851160
Type of Organization:Organizations working on Dalit rights and ending discrimination
Website: Website
Social Network Description:N/A
Misson:Dalit Janakalyan Yuba Club( DJKYC) is working on the issue of Wash in Siraha District. So, it is the important Social forum to employ our model work. We want to conduct a workshop on the topic of Multi Partnership modality on WASH access for Dalit and marginalized community.
Scope of Organization:WASH right, Child right, Educational right, Land right, Caste based discrimination,
Range of Organization:N/A
- Caste, Discrimination Based on Work and Descent(DWD), Race, Ethnicity, Indigenous People, Untouchability, Xenophobia, and all forms of Discrimination
- Education, Art and Culture
- Democracy, Human Rights, Authoritarianism, Law, and Justice
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