Koshi Nav Nirman Manch (KNM)
Supaul, Bihar, India-852131
Organization Phone+919973936658
Organization AddressSupaul, Bihar, India-852131
Contact PersonMahendra Yadav
Contact Person Emailaactivistmahendra@gmail.com
Contact Person Number9973936658
Type of Organization:Community organizations
Website: Website
Social Network Description:https://www.facebook.com/koshinavnirmanmanch
Network Member:National Alliance of Peoples Movement
Misson:Koshi Navnirman Manch is a people's movement working with the flood victims of the Koshi River Flood Plains. It was founded in 2008 at the time of Kusaha Tragedy. The geographical scope of its work expands in Saharsa, Supaul, Madhepura and Bhagalpur districts of Bihar and is expanding. Its activities include policy advocacy, educational initiatives, humanitarian assistance, research, etc. It aims to secure rehabilitation for the flood and erosion victims, access to rights and entitlements and a permanent people and environment-friendly solution to the Koshi Problem.
Scope of Organization:Rivers, Environment, Riverine Communities, Alternative Development of Koshi Riverine Region in Bihar, India, Disaster Management, Rights and Entitlement, Humanitarian Assistance, Policy Advocacy, Constructive Programme in Education, Health, Livelihoods, Youth Empowerment
Range of Organization:Community
- Climate Justice, Ecology, Just Transitions, Habitat, and Sustainable Development
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