Jawalakhel, Lalitpur, Nepal
Organization Phone9779741673313
Organization AddressJawalakhel, Lalitpur, Nepal
Contact PersonAnil Raghuvanshi
Contact Person Emailanil.raghuvanshi@childsafenet.org
Contact Person Number9779841115353
Type of Organization:NGO/ HR
Website: Website
Social Network Description:facebook.com/childsafenetnepal
Misson:ChildSafeNet is a non-governmental organisation, established with a mission to make digital technologies safer for children and young people. ChildSafeNet works to raise awareness on safer use of the internet and digital technologies to protect children and young people from internet addiction, online sexual abuse and exploitation, cyber-bullying, phishing, gaming addiction, and to promote digital literacy.
Scope of Organization:Child protection in the digital age
Range of Organization:Global
- Women, Children, Youth, Adolescents, Aging people and Persons with Disabilities
Safer Internet Day - Protection of Children in the Digital Age
14:00PM – 15:30 PM Nepali Time
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