Gig Workers Association
S-609, Nehru Park, Shakarpur, Delhi-110092
Organization Phone9304218610
Organization AddressS-609, Nehru Park, Shakarpur, Delhi-110092
Contact PersonDr Muhammad Mukhtar Alam
Contact Person Emailpd.janpahal@gmail.com
Contact Person Number9304218610
Type of Organization:Networks
Website: Website
Social Network Description:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCavnNuI9LiF1ElROlx9f2gQ, https://twitter.com/gigwaindia
Network Member:Working People's Coalition
Misson:Gig Workers Association is an all India network of gig workers working for platforms and apps like Amazon,Flipcart, Ola ,Uber, Zapto, Radipo, Blinkit, Denzo, Urban Company, Yes Madam, Instamart etc. GigWA is taking initiatives to organise gig workers in order to get them recognised as workers and campaigning for a central legislation for regulation of the aggregators and constitution of gig workers welfare board based on the model of cess collection with additional budgetary allocation from public exchequer for their social comprehensive social protection if required.
Scope of Organization:Gig Workers Association is an all India network of gig workers working for platforms and apps like Amazon,Flipcart, Ola ,Uber, Zapto, Radipo, Blinkit, Denzo, Urban Company, Yes Madam, Instamart etc. GigWA is taking initiatives to organise gig workers in order to get them recognised as workers.
Range of Organization:National
- Labour, Migration, Modern Slavery and Trafficking
Platform Economy: Emerging Issues and the Way Forward
11:30AM – 13:00 PM Nepali Time

Thematic session WSF2024 : Social Movments, Civic Space and Future of WSF
09:00AM – 11:30 AM (Nepali Time)