Hawkers Joint Action Committee
S-609, Nehru Park, Shakarpur, Delhi-110092
Organization Phone9129254769
Organization AddressS-609, Nehru Park, Shakarpur, Delhi-110092
Contact PersonMD Mansoor Raza
Contact Person Emailmdmansoorraza@gmail.com
Contact Person Number9129254769
Type of Organization:NGO/ HR
Website: Website
Social Network Description:Facebook:@HawkersJointActionCommitte Twitter: @hawkersjac
Network Member:Working People's Coalition
Misson:Hawkers Joint Action Committee is an all India joint platform of hundreds of federations, associations, unions, collectives, groups of street vendors having a membership base of more than four lakhs street vendors across India in the states of Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal ,Haryana and Karnataka, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Haryana, Jammu, Manipur etc. where we are working to collectivize, aware the street vendors on their entitlements and assist them in securing entitlements under the national flagship programmes such as PM Street Vendor’s AtmaNirbhar Nidhi” (PM SVANidhi) scheme though facilitating them in applying for receiving Certificate of Vending (COV) in order to avail loans under the scheme that envisions robust strengthening of their livelihoods and contribute to the national growth. Over the years, Hawkers Joint Action Committee engaged multiple stakeholders in order to steer the processes for transition for strengthening the retail democracy of India. Hawkers Joint Action Committee has been cooperating actively in making street food clean by facilitating training of street vendors in food safety and hygiene offered by FSSAI, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. Over the years since its inception, Hawkers Joint Action Committee in collaboration with Janphal has attained multiple milestones which include the following: • Contributed to the enactment of the Street Vendors (Protection & Regulation of street vending) Act 2014 • Reached out to the judicial system and succeeded in making the Govt bring a bill to the parliament to amend the Street Vendors (Protection & Regulation of street vending) Act 2014. In the year 2022, the parliament passed the bill in order to ensure natural justice in the grievance redressal section of the Act. • In the year 2018, led to redrafting and renotification of the Street Vendors (Protection & Regulation of street vending) Rule of Delhi ,2017. • Contributed to the formation of TVCs in Delhi through election of the representatives from among the street vendors. • Contributed to the successful implementation of the PMSVANidhi. • Led in the registration drive for E-Shram. • Successfully trained 3566 street food vendors in 780 training sessions under FOSTAC
Scope of Organization:Hawkers Joint Action Committee is a registered all India organisation of street vendors. At present, it is present across India including the states of Delhi, Uttrakhand, Haryana, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh , Rajasthan ,Karnataka etc.
Range of Organization:National
- Land, Agriculture, Food Sovereignty, Agro - Ecology. Energy and Natural Resources
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