Brihat Nagrik Andolan
Organization Phone9848019263
Organization AddressKathmandu
Contact PersonShishir Upreti
Contact Person Emailshakti_banskar@yahoo.com
Contact Person Number9779815500372
Type of Organization:Other
Website: Website
Social Network Description:https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064727528753
Misson:Brihat Nagarik Aandolan (BNA) is a civil movement which is run by activists voluntarily. It has no office, no working committee and no fund. This makes it unique. It is an alliance formed by civil society members and people from various walks of life after the incumbent PM Khadga Prasad Oli dissolved the House of Representative in 2020. BNA took to the streets despite the pandemic against the authoritarian will of the Left Government that subverted the constitution and democratic rights. After the successful reinstatement of the House of Representative in 2021, BNA has been working with various social movements and people's alliances exposing injustice and abuse, and demanding accountability. Driven by the sense of social justice and shared humanity, BNA is working together against all forms of discrimination to create a better world where everyone is equal and free from inequalities.
Scope of Organization:Civil Movement
Range of Organization:National
- Democracy, Human Rights, Authoritarianism, Law, and Justice

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