Rastriya Dalit Network
Anamnagar, Kathmandu
Organization Phone9851082733
Organization AddressAnamnagar, Kathmandu
Contact PersonGanesh BK
Contact Person Emailganeshbikal@gmail.com
Contact Person Number9851082733
Type of Organization:Organizations working on Dalit rights and ending discrimination
Website: Website
Social Network Description:N/A
Misson:Vision: A just society without caste based discrimination and untouchability recognized by universal norms and value Mission: To play a lead role in establishing a human rights-oriented resource centre for Dalit’s identity, representation and access Goal: To influence in the decision making level for guarantying political, economic, social and cultural rights by way of elimination of caste based untouchability and discrimination Objectives: 1. To establish political, economic and social rights including identity, representation and access of Dalits 2. To emphasize on developing the well planning livelihood including livelihood by creating inclusive and prosperous Dalit-friendly nation through the declaration of Dalit Rights Decade (2020-2030) 3. To ensure the accountability and transparency in Dalit rights structures according to the new constitution 4. To conduct a nationwide campaign to facilitate democratization of public service sectors of the state for periodic scientific reservation 5. To play the significant role at the local, national and international levels for the practical implementation of Dalit rights
Scope of Organization:Human rights especially for Dalits
Range of Organization:N/A
Dalit Parliament Focusing on the Issues of Agriculture Bonded Labour In Nepal
14:00PM – 15:30 PM Nepali Time

Charter of Inclusive Communities: Navigating Minorities’ Discrimination and Crafting a Vision for Global Peace
11:30AM – 13:00 PM Nepali Time