Hami DajuVai
Jwagal, LMC-10, Lalitpur District, Bagmati Province, Nepal
Organization Phone9841554863
Organization AddressJwagal, LMC-10, Lalitpur District, Bagmati Province, Nepal
Contact PersonSanjog Thakuri
Contact Person Emailbrothersofnepal@gmail.com
Contact Person Number9841554863
Type of Organization:NGO/ HR
Website: Website
Social Network Description:@DajjuVai
Network Member:MenEngage Alliance Network Nepal
Misson:Hami DajuVai (HDV also known as Nepali Brothers) is a feminist organization particularly focused on Men and Masculinity established in 2019 April 15. Following intersectionality and inclusion as its core value and youth engagement and feminist leadership as its working approach HDV has been organizing various activities in this short span of time. As a non-governmental organization it is registered in District Administrative Office in Lalitpur, Lalitpur Metropolitan City and Social Welfare Council of Nepal. Hami DajuVai is the first civil society organization to mark International Men’s Day in Nepal to bring attention of Men on how patriarchy harming them and why men needs to be a part of gender justice. Mission: An Equal and Prosperous Society where people enjoy their rights, opportunities and live a dignified life. Vision: Transform patriarchy into Equality and integrate intersectionality everywhere through Men and Boys, Young People and by promoting Women Leadership. Goal : Coordinate and Collaborate with allies to end Gender based Violence by addressing Toxic Masculinity and Patriarchy Objective: 1. Create platform for Men and Boys to share their stories and harm of Patriarchy in their lives and transform them into Advocates for Gender Justice 2. Provide opportunity for Women, Girls and LGBT+ people to share their knowledge, experience and Dreams to thrive and lead their life 3. Encourage and Advocate for Women Leadership to change the patriarchal mind-sets and system by engaging the younger generation. 4. Lead Social, Economic and Political movement of the country to establish Gender Equality and intersectionality as its core Approach Advocacy and Influencing 1. Youth Engagement 2. Inclusion and Intersection 3. Feminist Leadership (Knowledge and Agency Building) 4. Changing Condition and Position 5. Co-learning, Unlearning, Relearning 6. Redefining Masculinity 7. Working with Men and boys
Scope of Organization:Gender Justice, men and masculinties, youth and child participation
Range of Organization:National
- Gender, Sexuality, and Identities and Gender Based Violence
- Women, Children, Youth, Adolescents, Aging people and Persons with Disabilities
Sexual Harassment in Universities: Prevention and way forward.
14:00PM – 15:30 PM Nepali Time
Global Feminist Forum : “Resisting systemic Biases” Opening Assembly
11:30AM – 13:00 PM Nepali Time