Jagriti Child and Youth Concern Nepal
Nayabato, Sanepa, Lalitpur
Organization Phone015454717
Organization AddressNayabato, Sanepa, Lalitpur
Contact PersonTilottam Paudel
Contact Person EmailTilottam.jcycn@gmail.com
Contact Person Number9860192701
Type of Organization:NGO/ HR
Website: Website
Social Network Description:N/A
Misson:Participatory society and accountable governance for human development.
Scope of Organization:- Human Dignity - Professional integrity - Good governance and common good - Preferential options for the poorest of the poor - Solidarity and Collaboration - Environmental Sensitivity - Resource management
Range of Organization:N/A
- Labour, Migration, Modern Slavery and Trafficking
- Caste, Discrimination Based on Work and Descent(DWD), Race, Ethnicity, Indigenous People, Untouchability, Xenophobia, and all forms of Discrimination
- Gender, Sexuality, and Identities and Gender Based Violence
- Peace, Conflict, War, Occupations, Displacements, and Security
- Education, Art and Culture
- Democracy, Human Rights, Authoritarianism, Law, and Justice
- Health, Social Protection, and Equity
- Climate Justice, Ecology, Just Transitions, Habitat, and Sustainable Development
- Women, Children, Youth, Adolescents, Aging people and Persons with Disabilities
- Social Movements, Civic Space and Future of World Social Forum
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