Established in the month of Bhadra in 2062 BS, Biswas Nepal is the first social organization in Nepal by female laborers of entertainment sector (Dance Bar, Dohori Sanjh and Khaja Ghar). Registered in the District Administration Office, Kathmandu in 2063 BS, the organization has been regularly renewing its registration.
The main focus of the organization is to empower and protect the professional rights of workers in the field of entertainment and hospitality, as well as to work for their professional recognition and safety. Biswas Nepal is dedicated to advocating for the dignified and respectful treatment of workers in this sector, and has been working to rehabilitate and reunite children involved in risky work, as well as to combat internal human trafficking.
Since its establishment, Biswas Nepal also aims to address the lack of data on workers, inadequate policy systems, and poor implementation of labor laws. Additionally, it advocates against the use of children in the industry, negative societal views, and gender-based discrimination. Biswas Nepal was founded to raise awareness and advocate for these human rights violations. It has been continuously working to address the fundamental needs of individuals and has been actively involved in leadership and decision-making roles at the national and international levels to achieve its goals.
VenueRatna Rajya Campus , Block- B, Floor- 1, Room No. 13(1:00 PM - 2:00PM)
Cultural activityNo
Duration90 Minutes
Get in touchWhatsapp or Email
Other LanguageNepali
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Labour, Migration, Modern Slavery and Trafficking
“Our voice for the rights or the workers working in the entertainment and hospitality sector, a society free of violence”
The World Social Forum 2024 organized by Nepal, has been organized under different activities with different slogans on the theme “Another world is Possible”. The five-day event of the World Social Forum was held on 3rd to 7th Falgun 2080 (15th February to 19th February 2024). About 5,000 workers, employers, trade unions and non-governmental stakeholders had participated in the event. The declaration letter 2080 (2024) has been passed by the activity “The Voice of the workers in the Entertainment and Hospitality Sector” conducted on 16th february 2024, which includes the following points.
- The existing economic system needs to ensure equal participation of workers, limited labor and social security.
- The devaluing of human labor compared to capital and technology by the neo-liberal capitalist world economy is regrettable. Accepting the primacy of human labor, it is necessary to ensure free movement of workers, participation of workers in policy making.
- By drawing the attention of the government, non-government, private sector, trade unions, commissions and the media to the issues raised by the activity of this World Social Forum, we demand that they take initiatives on their part to make the entertainment and hospitality sector orderly, exploitation-free and dignified.
- All forms of harassment against workers working in entertainment and hospitality sectors should be addressed and child labor should be put to an end.