The 16th edition of the World Social Forum (WSF) was held in Kathmandu from February 15 to February 19, 2024, under the theme “Another World is Possible." ActionAid International Nepal (AAIN), in collaboration with Youth Advocacy Nepal,Tax and Fiscal Justice Alliance (TAFJA), SAAPE, LDC, Global Call to Action against Poverty, and LDC watch organized different events, activities, and thematic sessions. On the 18th of February AAIN organized a session on “Decolonization of Aid is urgent for equality and economic justice”. The session hosted speakers from Nepal, Pakistan, Uganda, Sri-Lanka, Zimbabwe, UK and the globe.
The speakers were as per follows:
- David Archer is Head of Programmes and Influencing with ActionAid International
- Ayesha Ahmad, Campaigner / Academician, Pakistan
- Nalini Ratnarajh, GESI / Human rights defender, Sri-Lanka
- Mr. David Nyaribi, Leadership and Governance Specialist, Uganda Global Platform.
- Mr. Happymore Chibvura, Youth Activist, Zimbabwe.
The session saw the speakers stress upon the impact of aid decolonization. They highlighted the reality of their country and how aid politics trapped country into debt stress and drag towards neo-colonialism.
The platform offered a common space to share experiences and struggles’ stories around the agenda of Decolonization of Aid in the Global South and connect among various actors/activists to speak / oppose tissues of:
- Eliminate Privatization of Public Services – education and health
- We demand debt free life in south globe.
- No more debt crisis in the Global South
- Stop! External Debt Distress in the Global South
- No Austerity in public service wage bill
- We strongly boycott regressive conditionality of debt.
- We demand a progressive economic model.
- We demand progressive taxation.
- Lower the indirect tax, higher the direct tax.
- Enough is enough, the South cannot pay back unjust interest.
- We demand the cancellation of unjust debt.
Findings/recommendations of different studies and research reports on foreign aid and debt politics were offered by the speakers in supporting evidence of the debt trap that Official Development Assistance (ODA) and from the Global North has presented. Findings/recommendations of different studies and research reports on foreign aid and debt politics were offered by the speakers in supporting evidence of the debt trap that Official Development Assistance (ODA) and Special Drawing Right (SDR) from the Global North has presented.
In conclusion the discussion proved to be a pivotal towards strengthening global solidarity among the people’s struggles and amplifying voices from different corners of the world especially from the global south on economic justice.
Signatories & Partners: Youth Advocacy Nepal,Tax and Fiscal Justice Alliance (TAFJA), SAAPE, LDC, Global Call to Action against Poverty, and LDC watch.
VenueApi Himal (Bhrikuti Mandap)
Cultural activityNo
Duration150 Minutes
Get in touchVia Phone or E-mail
Modalityphysical and virtual
Other LanguageNepali
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Economic Inequalities and Economic Justice
• We demand debt cancellation for nations and all indebted and bonded people.
• We strongly reject regressive conditionality and the austerity measures that comes from the IMF and is adopted by many
Ministries of Finance. There is an alternative.
• We call for sustainable public financing through ambitious and progressive tax reforms to finance quality public services and end privatisation.
Solidarity Statement of ActionAid
Solidarity Statement of ActionAid: https://wsf2024nepal.org/storage/activityDocumentImage/1794564493980277.pdf
Links to other Documents :
- Study on Effectiveness of Foreign Aid
- Study on Effectiveness of Foreign Aid (Summary)
- Brochure on "Decolonization of Aid is Urgent for Equality & Economic Justice"