09:00AM – 11:30 AM (Nepali Time)
Exhibition Road, Bhrikuti Mandap, Kathmandu, Nepal
Dhaulagiri (Bhrikuti Mandap)
Global Assembly on Economic Inequality and Justice

The inequality crisis is out of control. Broken economic system enabling tiny wealthy elite to accumulate vast wealth on the cost of hundreds of millions who are pushed into poverty.  Power and privilege are being used to skew the economic system to increase the gap between the richest and the rest through Illicit financial flows, piling up debt, lower taxation on wealthy individuals and corporation. Economic inequality also drives inequalities in health, education, future opportunities, and life chances. There is a very strong link between gender inequality and economic inequality as well as inequality and climate breakdown.

Oxfam in Asia together with Asia feminist coalition, Fight Inequality alliance, South Asia Alliance for Poverty Eradication, Asia centre and ActionAid aims to organize a cross-regional feminist dialogue/convening on inequality to strengthen southern voices during the World Social Forum happening in Nepal in February 2024. This is a real opportunity to not only claim the spaces but advance feminist agenda and build international solidarity. The dialogue will provide space to grassroots movements, women rights organizations, youth groups and other stakeholders to share their stories of struggle, implications of rising inequality on their daily lives, generate solidarity and a resolve to work collectively. We aim to develop a solidarity manifesto as an outcome of the event, highlighting steps on how to organize and mobilize against twin challenge of our age- The crises of climate breakdown and extreme inequality

  • Venue
    Dhaulagiri (Bhrikuti Mandap)
  • Cultural activity
  • Duration
    90 Minutes
  • Get in touch
  • Modality
    physical and virtual
  • Language
  • Other Language
  • Contact Email
Co Organizer
  • Name:
    ActionAid International Nepal
  • Name:
    South Asia Alliance for Poverty Eradication (SAAPE)
  • Name:
    LDC Watch
  • Name:
    Asia feminist coalition
  • Name:
    Fight Inequality Alliance
  • Name:
    Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI)
  • Name:
    Asia Monitor Resource Centre - AMRC
  • Name:
    Actionaid international
  • Economic Inequalities and Economic Justice