15:45PM – 17:15 PM Nepali Time
Exhibition Road, Kathmandu
Contest of vulnerable youth and senior citizen status

Community Aid Foundation is a non-governmental organization. This organization was established in the year 2079 at the company registrar office in Kathmandu and affiliated with  Samaj Kalyan Parishad.

Community Aid Foundation is typically non-profit organization that focuses on providing assistance and support to local communities. This foundation may have various missions and objectives, but their common goal is to improve the well - being and quality of life for the people living in a specific geographic area or community

Due to the imbalance between the education and employment system, youths are being driven, more and more towards vulnerable stage, therefore in question that what kind of suggestion should we give to the government about the youth is that they should be employed first.The government should identify and control their youth among the poor and how to improve their livelihood. The youth does not seem to be the priority of the govt. As if the Ministry of youth and sport is not somuch a priority now, the government related agencies are given the first priority even when various programs and policies are being formulated.

While allocating the budget by Government, Adequate budget should be allocated so that budget should be allocated in such away that is is dispersed and the program has the ability to work by making it real and especially in the education sector of Nepal.

The involvement of Youth in every government and non-government agency should be ensured and effective.

Youth should be encouraged in entrepreneurship, and first of all, for the youth, they  should find the risks and take initiative to help in poverty alleviation.

With increasing life expectancy and younger populations being migrated abroad for education and employment, the senior citizen population in Nepal is on the rise. However, this demographic shift has also brought to light several challenges faced by senior citizens in Nepal, including social isolation, lack of access to healthcare services, and financial insecurity. The introduction of Citizen Act 2006 aimed to address the needs of senior citizens; however, a policy gap remains between government action and senior citizens’ narratives. We suggest that, there is a significant need for policies and programs that prioritize the needs of senior citizens in Nepal, including their physical and psychological health, family relations, and financial independence. Health managers and policymakers can need to develop policies that increase access to healthcare services for senior citizens living in remote areas, provide training programs for healthcare providers on how to effectively care for elderly patients, and increase public awareness about aging issues. In a nutshell, emphasizing the importance of understanding the experiences and perspectives of senior citizens in Nepal to inform policies related to aging issues. Health managers and policymakers need to develop policies that increase access to healthcare services for senior citizens living in remote areas, provide training programs for healthcare providers on how to effectively care for elderly patients, and increase public awareness about aging issues.

  • Venue
  • Cultural activity
  • Duration
    60 Minutes
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Co Organizer
  • Name:
    US Federation of Worker Cooperatives
  • Land, Agriculture, Food Sovereignty, Agro - Ecology. Energy and Natural Resources
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