In the face of unprecedented global challenges such as environmental crises, inequality, food insecurities, violence, and pandemic aftereffects and many more, the World Social Forum (WSF) emerges as a platform to discuss and enact meaningful change with a pledge of 'Another world is possible'. The World Social Forum will be held in Khula Manch, Kathmandu, Nepal, scheduled from February 15 to 19, 2024. Also, the Intercontinental Youth Forum will be held on the 17th of February. The day will start with a common program organized by thematic facilitating committees followed by self-organized activities and sessions, including assemblies. ActionAid International Nepal (AAIN) plans to organize a thematic session and different activities focusing on climate change and climate justice during the forum.
Climate change is a pressing global challenge, disproportionately affecting the poor and vulnerable. The ongoing discourse centers on the possibility of limiting the global temperature to 1.5°C. However, it is undeniable that achieving this goal is unattainable without concrete and immediate actions to curb ongoing emissions at the global level. The poor, vulnerable, and underprivileged population and the Global South cannot continue to disproportionately bear the consequences of the climate crisis while the Global North continues to profit.
Aligning with this line, AAIN along with its other collaborating agencies had soft launched Climate Justice Campaign, in June 2023, in leadership of youth and women aiming to increase awareness and sensitize communities. Followed by the formal launch of campaign on the 5th of September 2023, by handing the “letter of attention- calls on parliamentarians to prioritize climate justice” to members of parliament to amplify their role in policy making process.
Thus, it is important to stand with people across the world and amplify our voices to take immediate steps to address the climate crisis and demand justice.
A total and equitable transition of fossil fuels to renewable energy.
Divest investments from extractive to regenerative (stop investing in fossils fuel, invest in renewable energy and agroecology, a real solutions)
Fair share of effort from all rich countries who have prospered due to unchecked carbon emissions.
Phase out fossils fuel while ensuring the green employment of employees who work in these industries.
Need real solutions that center the rights of Indigenous peoples, local communities, women, Dalits, and vulnerable communities.
Recognition, access, and delivery of the loss and damage fund/climate funds
Need commitments and actions to achieve real zero not net zero.
Provide grant-based climate finance.
Build and deepen public pressure on Governments and Corporations to do their fair share to limit global temperatures to 1.5°C and deliver real and just solutions for people and the planet.
Strengthen regional, national, and international climate justice movements and to build power for system change.
Objective of the session:
The main purpose of the thematic session is to popularize the agenda of climate justice with national and international audiences, emphasizing on how climate change is impacting the lives and livelihoods of people in developing countries like Nepal. Furthermore, the session seeks to dissect the global issue of debt traps, especially when governments receive loans for climate actions even though such funds should be provided as grants as a right of impacted countries.
1. To conduct a thematic session focused on climate justice to educate and engage participants.
2. To mobilize media channels to garner public opinion and support for climate justice.
3. To coordinate a rally thematic session to amplify the message and build momentum for the cause.
Cultural activityNo
Duration90 Minutes
Get in touchDevendra Pratap Singh
Other LanguageNepali
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Climate Justice, Ecology, Just Transitions, Habitat, and Sustainable Development