Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (CDWD) including the Dalits do not share a common history or origin, but a common scarring by the social structures that ascribe a permanent status of devalued personhood and require the performance of stigmatized and exploitative forms of labor. Although this mode of oppression diminishes the life chances of well over two hundred and seventy million people around the world, which would make up the 5th largest country in the world, their condition has yet to be fully recognized by the global community including the United Nations and its institutions.
Similar to the discrimination based on caste among the Dalits in Asia, the phenomenon of descent and work-based discrimination is common, enforced through complex cultural beliefs and behavioural systems in Africa, Europe, Latin America, and North America. The Haratins in Africa, the Roma/Romani in Europe, the Burakumin in Japan, and the Quilombolas in Brazil are a small selection of various groups who experience oppression through discrimination on work and descent. CDWD are vulnerable to routine forms of human rights violations against them. In addition, exclusion, sexual and gender-based violence, the enslavement of women and girls, and control of their reproductive rights are common enforcement mechanisms of the imposed “social order” for all CDWD. Many of these countries do not have proper policies to address these concerns.
CDWD are considered lesser human beings culturally whether in Asia, Africa, Latin America, or Europe due to the stratified social systems which are hierarchical. They are forced into manual and menial work and their labour is highly devalued. Many of them receive subsistence forms of wages, though they possess exceptional skills and knowledge of the work. They are discriminated against in various ways at workplaces, including denial of proper wages, employment opportunities, basic civic amenities, and places of stay. Most of these forms of discrimination against CDWD are pre-colonial and the governments in various countries are not actively engaged in executing proper policies and welfare mechanisms to remove these barriers.
Global Forum of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (GFoD) is a collective to voice the rights and entitlements of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and North America. GFoD calls for justice and the protection of CDWD and demands their rights to be free from discrimination, violence, and exclusion. Acknowledging that discrimination based on work and descent affects more than 270 million persons spread across all continents, including women. Children, LGBTQI and disproportionally affects children and youth, GFoD is working towards addressing the concerns by having a UN Declaration framed for the rights of CDWD including Dalits.
The draft resolution on the rights of CDWD including Dalits has been prepared in consultation with UN experts, academics, CSOs, and key stakeholders. The declaration strongly condemns discrimination based on work and descent and its analogous forms and seeks inclusive and equal opportunities to CDWD including the rights to equal/proportional political participation and governance, access to justice, freedom of opinion and expression, freedom of peaceful assembly and association, ownership of land, access to public and social services, etc. among others.
The declaration has shared previously with the African Commission for Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR) in October 2023 and the NGO Forum of the Commission adopted it. The declaration urges all Member States of the UN to acknowledge the existence of discrimination based on work and descent as a distinct form of discrimination that deserves the attention of the international community and affects descent-based discriminated communities around the world.
Meeting and its Purpose:
Asia Dalit Rights Forum (ADRF) along with GFoD will be holding an event along with its member organizations from all South Asian regions at the World Social Forum (WSF) 2024 on 17 February 2024 to deliberate on the proposed declaration. The primary focus of this meeting is to discuss the proposed declaration. The meeting aims to engage in thoughtful deliberations, articulate and manifest necessary provisions to address Dalit and CDWD concerns, and actively seek support and solidarity. The ultimate aim is to demand a United Nations Declaration on the Rights of CDWD that ensures global protection of rights and establishes the legitimacy of all CDWD individuals worldwide.
Methodology and Session Plan:
The program will be two and a half hours, and more than 200 participants are expected to participate from different parts of the world. The program shall be a combination of a keynote address along with a draft declaration, panel discussion, Q&A, and call to action as key takeaways.
- Opening Session
- Welcome and Introduction by ADRF and GFoD representatives
- Overview of the event’s purpose and objectives
- Keynote address by a prominent advocate for human rights and social justice
- Presentation of the Proposed Declaration
- Detailed presentation of the draft resolution on the rights of CDWD
- Explanation of the consultation process with UN experts, academics, CSOs, and other key stakeholders
- Highlighting the endorsement by the NGO Forum of the African Commission for Human and People’s Rights.
- The need for similar discussions at different regional forums
- Why CSOs are relevant in the discussion
- Statement and contributions by the penal members
- Perspectives of South Asian countries,
- Invited other key panel members i.e. WSF-NOC, WSF-IC, other platforms etc.
- Discussions and Deliberations (floor open for the questions and concerns)
- Interactive sessions with participants, including representatives from CDWD communities, NGOs, individuals, and other stakeholders
- Addressing questions and concerns raised by participants
- Discussions on SDG indicators, government engagement, UN special mechanism, and civil society involvement
- Responses and Conclusions
- Respond to the concerns raised by the participants
- Concluding remarks and calls to action
- Invitation for continued collaboration and engagement beyond the event
Expected Outcomes of the event:
Increased Awareness and Recognition of CDWD Concerns: The event aims to raise awareness and recognition of the discrimination faced by CDWD, including Dalits, on a global scale. The goal is to highlight the widespread nature of this issue and garner acknowledgment from all stakeholders.
Deliberation on the Proposed Declaration: Participants are expected to engage in thoughtful discussions to articulate and manifest necessary provisions that address the concerns and rights of CDWD. The expected outcome is a refined and comprehensive declaration that condemns discrimination based on work and descent.
Solidarity and Support: The event is expected to actively seek support and solidarity from various stakeholders, including civil society organizations (CSOs), and the wider public. The ultimate aim is to build a global coalition that advocates for the rights of CDWD and works towards ending discrimination of all forms.
Specific Recommendations for SDGs: The deliberation is expected to identify and address the needs and concerns of CDWD by calling for specific indicators in the targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This outcome will contribute to filling significant gaps that currently exclude CDWD from the UN’s vision for a sustainable and equitable future.
Call for Civil Society Engagement: The meeting seeks to urge the wider civil society to actively engage in ‘Undoing Discrimination on Work and Descent.’ This outcome aims to mobilize support beyond the event, encouraging ongoing efforts to combat discrimination and promote the rights of CDWD.
VenueNEPAL LAW CAMPUS -BLOCK B-Ground Floor- Room(A005)
Cultural activityNo
Duration150 Minutes
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Modalityphysical and virtual
Other LanguageNepali
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Name:Global Forum on Communities Discriminated Based on Work and Descent (GFOD)
Name:National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights (NCDHR), India
Name:Nagorik Uddyog
Name:Pakistan Dalit Solidarity Network (PDSN)
Name:Equity Society Nepal
Name:Dalit NGO Federation Nepal
Name:Samata Foundation
Name:Bangladesh Excluded Dalir Rights Movement (BDERM)
Name:Jagaran Media Center (JMC)
Name:Center for Dalir Rights Nepal (CDWN)
Name:Rastrya Dalit Network (RDN)
Name:Human Development Organization (HDO), Sri Lanka
Name:Madheshi Dalit NGO Federation, Nepal
Caste, Discrimination Based on Work and Descent(DWD), Race, Ethnicity, Indigenous People, Untouchability, Xenophobia, and all forms of Discrimination
“Towards a Declaration of the Rights of Dalit Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (CDWD) including the Dalits”
The World Social Forum (WSF), was hosted by Nepal for the first time in its history. WSF was originated as a counter-forum to the World Economic Forum in 2001. WSF is an open space There was a presence of more than 50,000 people from different thematic areas from around the 90 countries. During the forum, several organizations organized parallel sessions to highlight the key challenges faced around the globe.
On this occasion, Asian Dait Rights Forum (ADRF) organized an event entitled Towards a Declaration of the Rights of Dalit Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (CDWD) including the Dalits on 17 February 2024 at Kathmandu, Nepal where the Human Rights Activists demanded for a declaration to address the key issues and challenges of Dalit and CDWD communities around the global and urges all the stakeholders to push for a demand of declaration.
The program is hosted by Mr. Bhakta Bishwakarma, General Secretary of ADRF.
Ms. Beena Pallical, Chairperson of ADRF, welcomed all the delegates and thanked all the member individually for their contributions and shared that globally Dalit and CDWD are moving towards through a declaration for which there a need to build a momentum and co-create a space for all marginalized community to come together.
Further, Mr. Paul Divakar, Advisor of ADRF, and chair of Global Forum on Communities Discriminated based on Work and Descent (GFoD) shared light on a journey of Dalit and CDWD towards Declaration and highlighted on the commonalities of all marginalized communities of not only of South Aisa but of globally and demand of a declaration from UN to address the issues of all Dalit and CDWD as the several communities in South Asia, East Asia, Africa are facing similar exclusion in every sphere and different forms of slavery like Dalit communities. Demand for Equality, Recognition, Participation, legislative or legal action to all forms of discrimination including private and public, Resource allocation of state and UN. He appealed to like-minded organizations, institutions, Human Rights Defenders, Activists, Journalists and others to push demand for declaration for the rights of community for Dalit and CDWD.
During the event, the country-wise study reports and Asia regional reports on the Status of Dalits and CDWD on CDWD communities were launched during the event as well. Global Forum of CDWD conducted the study.
Similarly, the panelists including Ganesh BK- President of RDN, Durga Sob-Founder of FEDO, Zakhir Hussain-Chief Executive of Nagorik Uddyog, Ashok Bharati, Chair of National Confederation of Dalit Organisations (NACDOR) and Member of World Social Forum, International Council and Gerald Joseph-Chair of Forum Aisa and the former commissioners of Malaysian Human Rights Commission highlighted on the key issues and challenges faced by the Dalit and CDWD in the respective countries and give stress on the need to connect grass root Dalit Rights movement with the South Asia and global movement of Dalit and CDWD Rights as well as intervene the issues of Dalit and CDWD in South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) and justify the need of a declaration.
The Event at WSF was an ample opportunity to amplify the voices of unheard Dalit and CDWD in South Asia and globally and called for solidarity and support to change the lives of the millions of Dalit and CDWD globally by building a world free from discrimination and untouchability. Another world is possible where all are treated equally and recognized diversity and justice for all for which a declaration of Dalit and CDWD is a parallel process.
“Another World is Possible”
You can download here Event Completion Report