11:30AM – 13:00 PM Nepali Time
Nepal Law Campus, Exhibition Road, Kathmandu, Nepal
Nepal Law Campus, BLock-B, Floor-1, Room No. C101
Community Dialogue

Education for Another World

"Education for Another World" is a forward-thinking approach to education that embraces creativity, diversity, and sustainability while overcoming traditional barriers. This idea seeks to reframe education as an agent for creating capable, adaptive, and compassionate people who are prepared to function in a globalized society in an environment of fast changing technology, political instability, and environmental difficulties.

Individualization effects on education have resulted in a number of negative consequences. This method ignores the more holistic sides of education, which are essential for a well-rounded education and include critical thinking, creativity, and social skills. Individualization can also result in a classroom setting where students are pushed to succeed on their own rather than work together and support one another, which may limit the development of critical interpersonal skills. Furthermore, the commercialization of education by capitalism has the potential to worsen inequality by creating a wider socioeconomic class divide in access to high-quality education. This starts an endless cycle whereby privileged people get better access to education, increasing the gaps in society. In the end, education's ability to produce well-rounded, sympathetic, and socially conscious people may be limited by the capitalist systems' desire to prioritize individual achievement and profit over the larger social goals of education.

So, can education play its role in nurturing the minds that practice social coexistance and equity contributing to another world of equality? What does it look like? Shall we need to reform our education content and pedagogy? Where do we start from? These are the question that Kadambari Memorial College , the school of social work like to discuss with global fraternity. We do not have the answer yet. We will gather the ideas from the speakers, thinkers and participants from our session to get possible answers so that we can embrace the ideas of utilizing education as key contribuors in co creating the Another World in coming days.

  • Venue
    Nepal Law Campus, BLock-B, Floor-1, Room No. C101
  • Cultural activity
  • Duration
    90 Minutes
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  • Education, Art and Culture
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