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World Social Forum 2024 Nepal, Kathmandu
“Another World is Possible”
15-19 February 2024
World Social Forum 2024 (WSF2024Nepal)
We, the people of the planet, are currently facing an unprecedented environmental crisis coupled with rising inequality, widespread food insecurities, majoritarian violence, after effects of the last pandemic and the threat of a future one, and escalating tensions between major powers. In fact, humanity is on the brink of multi-faceted calamities leading to the destruction of its own survival. Given the threat is real and urgent, the ideals of the new world order that rests upon sustainability,... See More

The World Social Forum had its initial gathering in 2001, but its roots can be traced back to Latin American activism, particularly the encuentro, a meeting that fosters dialogue and idea exchange among activists. Several of the WSF founders were involved in the First International Encuentro for Humanity and Against Neoliberalism in 1996, which inspired them to expand the concept and create a global platform for activists from various backgrounds who oppose hegemonic globalization and neoliberalism.Some argue that the genesis of the World Social Forum can also be linked to the Battle for Seattle in November 1999, where anti-globalization activists protested a World Trade Organization meeting focused on trade negotiations.Oded Grajew, one of the originators of the World Social Forum and associated with the Ethos Institute for Business and Social Responsibility, shared in a 2004 interview with InMotion Magazine, "I then had the idea. Why not create the World Social Forum, like we have the World Economic Forum, but this one would focus on the people of the world? Let's emphasize the social aspect, which is more crucial than the economic, to create a space demonstrating that we have alternatives. We have choices. Globalization is not the only way to view the world. There is another way, and we should compel people to look and make a choice. What is your vision of the world?" Another WSF founder, Cándido Grzybowski, described the annual meetings as a response to the various recent crises resulting from the contradictions and limitations of the prevailing form of global capitalism imposed on humanity and the planet. He asserted that the idea of "another world is possible" has become an absolute necessity. Since 2001, the United Nations, represented by UNESCO, has been involved in the WSF, indicating the forum's institutional credibility. UNESCO considers the WSF a "prime opportunity for dialogue and a laboratory of ideas for the renewal of public policies," aimed at engaging in critical reflection on the desired future societies and proposing solutions in pursuit of solidarity, justice, peace, and human rights.
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The World Social Forum (WSF) stands as the most extensive assembly of civil society, seeking remedies to contemporary challenges. Originating in Brazil in 2001, the WSF annually gathers tens of thousands of participants engaged in over a thousand events encompassing workshops, conferences, artistic expressions, and more. These activities delve into diverse topics, including social issues, solidarity economy, environment, human rights, and democratization. At the core of the WSF lies a charter of principles delineating its essence, outlining the values and objectives shared among its participants, and establishing crucial operational guidelines.