FIAN Nepal
Kathmandu Metropolitan City - Ward No. 10 Bijulibazar
Organization Phone97714793965, 4791651
Organization AddressKathmandu Metropolitan City - Ward No. 10 Bijulibazar
Contact PersonAshok Bahadur Singh
Contact Person Emailashok.singh@fiannepal.org
Contact Person Number9779861044951
Type of Organization:NGO/ HR
Website: Website
Social Network Description:www.facebook.com/fiannepal
Network Member:CSAAN and ESCR Network, Right to food network
Misson:FIAN Nepal together with like minded Civil Society Organization (CSOs) contributes towards food sovereignty in Nepal from the right to food perspective in particular for vulnerable communities' people through people centric activism, advocacy and monitoring. FIAN stands against discriminatory, exploitative and exclusionary laws, policies, program and practices – both institutional and customary, which prevent people from feeding themselves and live with dignity.
Scope of Organization:Right to Food and Food Sovereignty
Range of Organization:National
- Land, Agriculture, Food Sovereignty, Agro - Ecology. Energy and Natural Resources
Global Talk on Hunger, Right to Food and Food Sovereignty- 1
14:00PM – 15:30 PM Nepali Time