Sustaining All Life
19370 Firlands Way North, Shoreline, WA, US 98133
Organization Phone919970168974
Organization Address19370 Firlands Way North, Shoreline, WA, US 98133
Contact PersonKavita Dhamale
Contact Person Emaildrkavitadhamale@gmail.com
Contact Person Number919970168974
Type of Organization:NGO/ HR
Website: Website
Social Network Description:https://www.facebook.com/SustainingAllLife
Network Member:Re-evaluation Counseling
Misson:Sustaining All Life (SAL) is an international grassroots peer counseling organization working to end the climate emergency and environmental degradation within the context of ending oppression and all divisions among people, and share tools that sustain our activism. SAL is a project of Re-evaluation Counseling, a peer counseling practice that helps people of all ages and backgrounds exchange effective help with each other in order to free themselves from emotional harm resulting from oppression and other hurts. By taking turns listening to each other and encouraging the release of painful emotions, people can heal old hurts and become better able to think, to speak out, and to organize and lead others in building a world in which human beings and other life forms are valued and the environment is restored and preserved. Re-evaluation Counseling currently exists in 95 countries. https://www.reevaluationcounseling.org/
Scope of Organization:Sustaining All Life (SAL) is an international grassroots peer counseling organization working to end the climate emergency and environmental degradation within the context of ending oppression and all divisions among people, and share tools that sustain our activism.
Range of Organization:Global
- Economic Inequalities and Economic Justice
- Health, Social Protection, and Equity
- Climate Justice, Ecology, Just Transitions, Habitat, and Sustainable Development
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