Social Work and Allies for Sustainable Approaches(SWASA Nepal)
Budhanilkhantha Municipality,Kathmandu
Organization Phone9841429664
Organization AddressBudhanilkhantha Municipality,Kathmandu
Contact PersonShanti Tiwari,Sushila Sharma
Contact Person Emailtiwari5shanti@gmail.com
Contact Person Number9841429664 and 9841945051
Type of Organization:Women Rights Organization
Website: Website
Social Network Description:N/A
Network Member:Sex Workers and Allies South Asia
Misson:SWASA Nepal is a health and human rights based NGO located in Kathmandu. SWASA Nepal works in 7 provinces of Nepal with a federation of 20 sex worker led organizations, a sex worker led NGO and a collective of sex workers. It is known as Sex Worker and Allies to address social inequality and to promote justice amongst Female Sex Workers. It focuses on building solidarity amongst diverse and marginalized Female Sex Workers using a rights’ centered approach to self- determination that organizes the voiceless to collectivize as a key strategy.
Scope of Organization:Strengthening the right of sex workers and marginalized community.
Range of Organization:N/A
- Gender, Sexuality, and Identities and Gender Based Violence