Thapathali, Panchayan Marg
Organization Phone9849544366
Organization AddressThapathali, Panchayan Marg
Contact PersonPushpa Joshi
Contact Person Emailvicechairloom@gmail.com
Contact Person Number9843270035
Type of Organization:NGO/ HR
Website: Website
Social Network Description:https://www.facebook.com/loomnepal https://www.instagram.com/iamatroublemaker/ https://twitter.com/LoomNepal
Network Member:National Alliance of Women Human Rights Defenders
Misson:LOOM works towards harnessing the collective power of women through multi-generational activism where activists across ages and experiences connect, organise and transform structures that obstruct equality. Established as an NGO in 2010 LOOM is a group of individuals and organisations dedicated to movement building, young women’s leadership, sexuality and bodily integrity, LBT rights and feminist politics of the Internet working at both local national level. LOOM works through four thematic units: young feminist activism, multi-generational activism, internet and sexuality, and advocacy on the intersection of women’s rights. LOOM’s vision is an equal society where women from multi generations have access to agencies and have freedom to decide for them and communities based on political participation and ownership. As a group of women who wants to make a difference, we are new age campaigners affirming towards sustainable women’s movement. Mainstreaming what is not, integrating what has been excluded. We desire to set platforms for us to weave our stories, thread our dreams, and bring the fundamental change that we foresee and aspire.
Scope of Organization:Gender & Sexuality
Range of Organization:National
- Gender, Sexuality, and Identities and Gender Based Violence