Asian Human Rights and Culture Development Forum (Asian Forum)
Banasthali, Kathmandu GPO 2231 KTM
Organization Phone9851048685
Organization AddressBanasthali, Kathmandu GPO 2231 KTM
Contact PersonNilambar Badal
Contact Person Emailnilambar@gmail.com
Contact Person Number9841333758
Type of Organization:NGO/ HR
Website: Website
Social Network Description:N/A
Network Member:National Network for Safe Migration and Migrant Forum in Asia
Misson:Asian Human Rights and Culture Development Forum, Asian Forum, since its establishment in the year 2005 by the returnee migrant workers has been actively working for the respect, protection and fulfillment of Human Rights, especially, the migrants’ rights through the advocacy, awareness, researches, services and programs. Asian Forum with the aim to serve as the forum to contribute in strengthening the underprivileged, marginalized and the poor in different aspects of the life has been working for the social economical reintegration of the migrant workers and their family members through the contribution in the sector of education, health care, skill development, culture conservation and awareness. With the strength of its network of more than 450 returning migrants members throughout the country at various levels (No compulsory financial contribution is sought from the members) with regional committees in five provinces and district committees in formed at 30 districts Asian Forum is determined to elevate the standard of life to attain the recognition of the society and the individual in the international arena by creating the educational and employment opportunities. In addition to its regular programs and activities Asian Forum also addresses the need-based social problems and facilitates the needy people considering its requirement. Lately, Asian Forum is serving the victim of earthquake 2015 by conducting various relief distribution program in coordination with We-Friends, Korea by facilitating the victims with tent, food and organizing counseling program to those who are still in trauma due to recent natural disaster. Similarly, Asian Forum also reached out to the communities through the health centers in different parts of the country in response to the COVID -19 pandemic and distributed health materials to the health professionals and the general people.
Scope of Organization:Asian Forum aims to serve migrant workers and their families [Q: other populations as well directly or indirectly?], especially those who have been underprivileged and marginalized, by helping them to achieve a dignified and prosperous life.
Range of Organization:National
- Labour, Migration, Modern Slavery and Trafficking
Social Economic Reintegration: Agriculture and Tourism for Nepali Migrants
11:30AM – 13:00 PM Nepali Time

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