Forum Of Religious For Justices And Peace
520/51-7, Nepali Kothi, Varuna Bridge, Varanasi, U.P.
Organization Phone9598604926
Organization Address520/51-7, Nepali Kothi, Varuna Bridge, Varanasi, U.P.
Contact PersonFather Anand
Contact Person Emailanandinmiso@gmail.com
Contact Person Number9598604926
Website: Website
Social Network Description:N/A
Misson:Forum of Religious for Peace and Justice is a Forum of Catholic religious women and men working for peace and justice within the Church and outside. Forum believes that there cannot be peace without justice. Therefore Forum is invlved through its members in various parts of the country in bringing justice to the marginalized people, the Dalits, Tribals, women, children, minorities, LGBTQ+, the migrants, urban unorganixed labourers, people who are victims of eviction and displacement etc.
Scope of Organization:Peace And Justice
Range of Organization:National
Charter of Inclusive Communities: Navigating Minorities’ Discrimination and Crafting a Vision for Global Peace
11:30AM – 13:00 PM Nepali Time