Statement by the Forum of Religious for Justice and Peace
The members of the Forum of Religious for Justice and Peace along with their collaborators deliberated on the theme Care for Mother Earth, Our Common Home in a seminar held on 16 February, 2024 in the World Social Forum, Kathmandu. We deliberated on the destruction of our common home…, its eco system, sky, air, soil, forests…., the pollution of water bodies, plundering of the sea and sea costs which leads to tremendous difficulties faced by indigenous communities dependent on the sea…., irresponsible use of natural resources to the extent of many of these being depleted.
We assert that reduction and elimination of fossil fuel and use of clean energy is absolutely necessary for the very survival of the community of life.
We assert that the people living in and around the natural resources have the primary responsibility to protect these as they are the caretakers. Therefore we demand that the Government stop handing over the forests, sea and sea costs and other natural resources to corporate companies.
We demand that the governments of South Asia, particularly India do all that is in its might to reduce fossil fuel to zero level and replace it with clean energy progressively to achieve the goals in the next five years.
We call upon the developed countries to compensate to the countries of South Asia for its losses in such transformation so that sustainable life for all especially the poorest in the region is achieved.
- Forum of Religious for Justice and Peace
Co-organized by:
1. Sajha Sanskriti Manch, Varanasi
2. JPIC Patna, Bihar
3. St. Joseph’s Cluny Pondicherry
4. Loyola Extension Services, Poonthura, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
VenueBalmiki Campus, Block- B, Floor- Ground, Room No. 9
Cultural activityNo
Duration90 Minutes
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Land, Agriculture, Food Sovereignty, Agro - Ecology. Energy and Natural Resources