Caritas Internationalis
Caritas Internationalis Palazzo San Calisto Vatican City State V-00120
Organization Phone390669879799
Organization AddressCaritas Internationalis Palazzo San Calisto Vatican City State V-00120
Contact PersonPierre Grg
Contact Person Emailfacilitfsm@gmail.com
Contact Person Number33623123958
Type of Organization:NGO/ HR
Website: Website
Social Network Description:N/A
Network Member:Caritas Network
Misson:Caritas Internationalis is confederation of over 160 members who are working at the grassroots in almost every country of the world. When a crisis hits, Caritas is already on the ground. The diverse members give us our strength – from small groups of volunteers to some of the biggest global charities. Inspired by Catholic faith, Caritas is the helping hand of the Church – reaching out to the poor, vulnerable and excluded, regardless of race or religion, to build a world based on justice and fraternal love.Caritas Internationalis has its headquarters in Rome – co-ordinating emergency operations, formulating development policy and advocating for a better world for everyone. All national Caritas organisations are members of their own regional Caritas networks and the international confederation. From the founding of the first Caritas in Germany in 1897, to the setting up of Caritas Internationalis in 1951, until today, Caritas has a rich history of listening respectfully to the suffering of the poor and giving them the tools to transform their own lives. The deep moral and spiritual principles of dignity, justice, solidarity and stewardship still guide Caritas today.
Scope of Organization:Caritas works in rich countries and not so well off ones, in the Northern hemisphere and the global South. We consider integral human development as the guiding principle for our longer-term projects, but responds efficiently and effectively to sudden onset emergencies too.
Range of Organization:Global
- Labour, Migration, Modern Slavery and Trafficking
- Caste, Discrimination Based on Work and Descent(DWD), Race, Ethnicity, Indigenous People, Untouchability, Xenophobia, and all forms of Discrimination
- Climate Justice, Ecology, Just Transitions, Habitat, and Sustainable Development
- Women, Children, Youth, Adolescents, Aging people and Persons with Disabilities
- Social Movements, Civic Space and Future of World Social Forum
About Facilitation of WSF as intercommunication process held in an open space
15:45PM – 17:15 PM Nepali Time

Building the World Social Forum on Transformative Economies in Colombia 2024
09:00AM – 11:30 AM (Nepali Time)
Thematic session WSF2024 : Social Movments, Civic Space and Future of WSF
09:00AM – 11:30 AM (Nepali Time)
Thematic Session : Communication, Digital Social Networks, Media, Digital Equity
09:00AM – 11:30 AM (Nepali Time)