Mission for Global Change
2nd Floor, H. No. 1067, Sector-6, Jankipuram Vistar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh - 226031
Organization Phone9818433422
Organization Address2nd Floor, H. No. 1067, Sector-6, Jankipuram Vistar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh - 226031
Contact PersonShri Vishwatma
Contact Person Emailvotership@gmail.com
Contact Person Number9818433422
Website: Website
Social Network Description:N/A
Misson:Mission for Global Change is a registered charitable trust working for: Aligning the organizations of all the countries of the world for the purpose of: Implementing the essential political, legal and constitutional reforms; Forming Interim Governments of all countries of south Asia and of whole world; Establishing rule of democratic law by forming unions of countries, not only at the level of common territory of all countries of South Asia but at the level of all the countries of whole world; Identifying and recognizing the horizontal and vertical components of sovereignty and general will of the masses and that of the state, getting them recognized, getting representation in the decision making process of the state for all kinds of general wills and all components of sovereignty of all units; Making available the economic and political opportunities, democracy, fraternity and equality for all the citizens of all countries; Evolving a competent political and economic world order on the basis of justice for all to eliminate the circumstances from the whole world creating violence, economic slavery, poverty and environmental imbalances and to address the social issues arisen due to the aftermath of the treaty adopted in year 1994 namely, General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade, GATT; Solving world level politico economic problems;
Scope of Organization:Global
Range of Organization:N/A
Strategic discussion on drafting constitution to run an Interim Government of Union of South Asian countries
14:00PM – 15:30 PM Nepali Time

Strategic discussion to upgrade World Social Forum as the interinm government of the Earth
14:00PM – 15:30 PM Nepali Time