Voters Party International
385, Lane No. 12/A, Wazirabad Village, Delhi-110084
Organization Phone9651403402
Organization Address385, Lane No. 12/A, Wazirabad Village, Delhi-110084
Contact PersonShri Vishwatma
Contact Person Emailvpimedia.central@gmail.com
Contact Person Number9651403402
Website: Website
Social Network Description:N/A
Misson:Voters Party International, VPI is a registered political party. By implementing the essential political, legal, and constitutional reforms; the VPI is working in India for: Establishing the rule of democratic law, not only at the level of the country but at the level of the world also; Identifying and recognizing the horizontal and vertical sovereignty and general will of the masses and that of the state, getting them recognized, getting representation in the decision-making process of the state for all kinds of general wills and all types of sovereignties; Making available the economic, and political opportunities for all the citizens of the world- democracy, fraternity and equality; Evolving a competent political and economic world order based on justice for all to eliminate the circumstances from the whole world creating violence, economic slavery, poverty, and environmental imbalances
Scope of Organization:India
Range of Organization:N/A
Strategic discussion to upgrade World Social Forum as the interinm government of the Earth
14:00PM – 15:30 PM Nepali Time

Strategic discussion on drafting constitution to run an Interim Government of Union of South Asian countries
14:00PM – 15:30 PM Nepali Time