FOMEJE:The Mediterranean Forum for Youth
Po.Box 246 Assilah 90050 MOROCCO
Organization Phone00212661857673
Organization AddressPo.Box 246 Assilah 90050 MOROCCO
Contact Person Emailisbouia.injd@gmail.com
Contact Person Number00212661587673
Type of Organization:Youth Organization
Website: Website
Social Network Description:www.facebook.com/fomeje
Network Member:No hate Speech Movement
Misson:Our vision is of a world where young people are responsible, engaged, creative, and initiators of positive change Our mission is to ensure that young Moroccans have all the skills and opportunities to position themselves in a representative manner in all local, regional, national, and international bodies, with the aim of ensuring better governance FOMEJE is a youth organization, its creation came in response to the ambitions of a group of young people belonging to Morocco and having African roots, Mediterranean civilization and universal culture. The aim was to shape a framework and find a place within a “society of information” which has changed the social, moral and cultural concepts as well as the network of international relations. The Forum is open to all local, national and international initiatives for which they exchange their experiences and expertise with openness and acceptance of all differences, respecting diversity and living in harmony with the cultural and civilizational contrast with tolerance confirming the essence of the universal slogan "We are different ... We are equal."
Scope of Organization:FOMEJE
Range of Organization:National
- Peace, Conflict, War, Occupations, Displacements, and Security
- Education, Art and Culture
- Democracy, Human Rights, Authoritarianism, Law, and Justice
- Climate Justice, Ecology, Just Transitions, Habitat, and Sustainable Development
- Women, Children, Youth, Adolescents, Aging people and Persons with Disabilities
- Social Movements, Civic Space and Future of World Social Forum